Hey there! Welcome to my website. Who am I? Well... that's what the about me's for.
Here you can find download links and information about my various projects, such as my games, my videos and other stuff. Have a nice stay and enjoy!
- Update 15/11/2022: Updated the design of the website, it's properly centered now.
- Update 16/11/2022: Added a dotted background to the website in order to mimic the Sonic Adventure 2 Battle theme.
- Update 20/11/2022: Fixed the width of the sidebar, it looks better on a 1080p screen now. Also it was my birthday 2 days ago, so yeah.
- Update 04/03/2023: Happy new year lmfao. (jesus christ it's almost March) Anyways I added a page for my music gear that is still W.I.P; It is not publicly accessible yet.
- Update 23/11/2023: Added the entirety of the up!! EP by BOWL onto the website through some YouTube links I posted.