So in July of 2022, after passing my final exams, I negotiated with my dad and he managed to buy me my first guitar, an Harley Benton ST-20 BK Standard Series (had I been a little smarter I'd have gotten an ST-20HSS SBK... it has a humbucker in it). From there, I started my musical journey, learning guitar really just from playing random Weezer tabs. This page is... not about my music. It's about the instruments I've played and the modifications I've done to them. Lmao.

As mentioned above, I obtained my first guitar in July of 2022. It's a basic SSS Strat copy made by Harley Benton. Of course, I'm an idiot so I didn't buy an amp with it (because I was afraid of my dad's reaction, but I did end up getting it a few days after. Not sure how he would have reacted if I told him I also needed to buy a 70€ amp along with the fucking 98€ guitar, cable and bag...)
A few weeks afterwards (must've been August) I decided I wanted to be Rivers Cuomo so I grabbed every sticker I could get my hands on and in under a month, my guitar was almost entirely covered in stickers. There were even some on the back. These were a ton of Pixar stickers that came at the supermarket, I didn't especially care for them, I just wanted them on my guitar because le epic weezer moment. It was a nightmare to remove, but I did manage. By September 19th, all the stickers were gone. (Thankfully)

I didn't really need another guitar but for my birthday I got 300€ to spare (thanks government) so I went to the store and got a brand new Squier Affinity Telecaster. It was actually 250€ but blah blah blah fees so it ended up at 300€ for some reason... Convenient, I guess!
Or not. Because actually, this guitar was so heavy I had to get rid of it, so I sold it to my friend in order to get better hardware for my Strat. Still not sure if this
was a mistake or not... Eh, I'll get a Telecaster again some day.